Our goal under the NH Foods Group Vision2030 is to “unleash new potentials for protein”. We are working to achieve this by integrating our 온라인 바카라 strategy with our sustainability strategy as the basis for our ongoing initiatives to drive the growth and development of the NH Foods Group while also providing solutions for social issues.
2023 온라인 바카라 Report Index
귀하의 value 온라인 바카라 story
This section traces the history of value creation leading to the transformation and reinvention of 온라인 바카라. In addition to messages from top management and the CFO, this part of the report also describes our medium- to long-term value creation processes and progress under Medium-Term Management Plans 2023/2026.

Tenacious pursuit of progress and success in the face of adversity—
온라인 바카라 is fully committed to revitalization through reforms.
온라인 바카라 and
온라인 바카라
온라인 바카라 has worked with protein throughout its history and supports food infrastructure through its role as one of Japan’s biggest suppliers of protein. This special feature examines our approaches to the challenges of stably procuring and supplying protein and creating diverse protein products.

온라인 바카라 and growth strategies
Presented here are our growth strategies for each segment, together with information about progress and results. There is also a special feature about Hokkaido and 온라인 바카라.
Hokkaido and
온라인 바카라
A hi온라인 바카라 of partnership
Hokkaido, a region of Japan known for its awe-inspiring natural landscapes, is home to around 20% of our 온라인 바카라 sites. This section describes co-creation initiatives by the NH Foods Group in areas ranging from livestock breeding and production to entertainment.

Sustainability 온라인 바카라
온라인 바카라 is committed to the realization of its Five Materialities (key issues) and the ongoing enhancement of corporate governance. This section focuses on our human resource strategy as part of these efforts.
온라인 바카라 PDF 색인

다운로드 모든 페이지
다운로드 in sections
- Index/Editorial policy [1.3MB]
- Our value 온라인 바카라 story [3.7MB]
A message from the management / The story of 온라인 바카라 / Our Corporate Philosophies & Vision2030 / Protein and 온라인 바카라 / Value creation process / Market/industry trends and risks and opportunities / Capital utilization Term Management Plans
- 온라인 바카라 and growth strategies [3.8MB]
At a glance / Processed Foods 온라인 바카라 Division / Fresh Meats 온라인 바카라 Division / Overseas 온라인 바카라 Division / Ballpark and Other 온라인 바카라 / Hokkaido and the NH Foods Group
- Sustainability 온라인 바카라 [3.9MB]
Basic views on 온라인 바카라 and promotion framework / Focus 1: Human resource strategy / Employee development and respect for diversity / Respecting human rights / Focus 2: Responding to climate change / Contributing to a sustainable envi discussion (Chairperson of the Board of Directors, outside directors) / Corporate governance / A Message from the Chairperson of the Executive Nomination Committee
- Corporate data [1.0MB]
Consolidated financial statements (past 10 온라인 바카라s) / Corporate data/Stock information
Back 온라인 바카라
- 온라인 바카라21 (Year Ended March 31, 2021) [8.1MB]
Integrated Report/바카라 필승법21 - 온라인 바카라20 (Year Ended March 31, 2020) [7MB]
- 온라인 바카라19 (Year Ended March 31, 2019) [8.5MB]
- 온라인 바카라18 (Year Ended March 31, 2018) [8.2MB]
- 온라인 바카라 2017 (Year Ended March 31, 2017) [9.5MB]
- 온라인 바카라 2016 (Year Ended March 31, 2016) [12.3MB]
- 온라인 바카라 2015 (Year Ended March 31, 2015) [10.9MB]
- 온라인 바카라 2014 (Year Ended March 31, 2014) [13.8MB]
- 온라인 바카라 2013 (Year Ended March 31, 2013) [8.1MB]
- 온라인 바카라 2012 (Year Ended March 31, 2012) [7.1MB]
- 온라인 바카라 2011 (Year Ended March 31, 2011) [5.0MB]
- 온라인 바카라 2010 (Year Ended March 31, 2010) [2.2MB]
- 온라인 바카라 2009 (Year Ended March 31, 2009) [3.2MB]
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