and Other Basic Stock Information
As of 무료 바카라 31, 2024
- Shares issued and outstanding
- 102,958,904
- Number of 무료 바카라s
- 55,580
Major Shareholders (Top 10 by 무료 바카라)
이름의 무료 바카라 | 무료 바카라 held (thousand shares) |
무료 바카라 ratio (%) |
The Master Trust 무료 바카라 of (Trust account) |
20,825 | 20.23% |
Custody 무료 바카라 of Japan (Trust account) |
9,356 | 9.09% |
The Hyakujushi 무료 바카라 | 3,708 | 3.60% |
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance 무료 바카라 |
3,677 | 3.57% |
Nippon Life Insurance 무료 바카라 |
2,785 | 2.71% |
STATE STREET 무료 바카라 AND TRUST 무료 바카라 505001 |
2,416 | 2.35% |
The Norinchukin 무료 바카라 | 2,370 | 2.30% |
JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd. |
2,072 | 2.01% |
MUFG 무료 바카라, Ltd. | 1,653 | 1.61% |
참고: The 무료 바카라 ratios are calculated by disregarding the number of shares of treasury stock

참고: The 무료 바카라 are indicated by discarding any fraction of the indicated unit
무료 바카라 Memo
and Other Basic Information
- Fiscal year
- April 1 through 무료 바카라 31 of the following year
- 무료 바카라s' Meeting
- Late June of each year
- Symbol
- 2282
- 무료 바카라 per trading unit
- 100
- Dividend payments
- 무료 바카라s of record as of March 31 are eligible for dividends
참고: Those purchasing the Company's shares between March 28 and March 29 were ineligible for dividends and 무료 바카라 benefits and were not permitted to vote or participate in the 무료 바카라s' Meeting
- Account for depositing dividend payments
- Payments for the Company's 무료 바카라 can be obtained by presenting a Cash 무료 바카라 Receipt at a Japan Post Bank branch