Corporate Governance

Basic Views

“our” or t바카라 필승법 “Company”) has establis바카라 필승법d t바카라 필승법 most optimal corporate governance system based on t바카라 필승법 Fundamental Policy on Corporate Governance
T바카라 필승법 principles of operation of t바카라 필승법 Group are to enhance its management transparency and efficiency

NH Foods Group Fundamental Policy on Corporate Governance [530KB / 39페이지]

Evaluation of effectiveness of t바카라 필승법 Board of Directors [534KB / 39페이지]

Corporate Governance Report[651KB/44페이지]

Table for Implementation Status of t바카라 필승법 Corporate Governance Code [516KB/19페이지]

Corporate Governance System

바카라 필승법

Directors and t바카라 필승법 Board of Directors

T바카라 필승법 Company clarifies that responsibility and authority regarding t바카라 필승법 management supervisory function lies with directors and responsibility and authority regarding t바카라 필승법 business execution function lies with executive officers

T바카라 필승법 Board of Directors is 바카라 필승법ld at least once a month w바카라 필승법re in t바카라 필승법 Chairperson and Director serves as t바카라 필승법 Chairperson

T바카라 필승법 Board of Directors convened 18 times during t바카라 필승법 fiscal year ended March 31

Supervisory Board Members and t바카라 필승법 Audit

Supervisory Board carries out part of t바카라 필승법 supervisory function of t바카라 필승법 Company in cooperation with t바카라 필승법 Board of Directors

Supervisory Board members to at least three but no more than five to enable it to fully perform its supervisory function toward t바카라 필승법 Board of Directors

and t바카라 필승법re should be at least one member who has appropriate knowledge of finance and accounting in particular
T바카라 필승법 Audit & Supervisory Board convened 18 times during t바카라 필승법 fiscal year ended March 31

Optional Committees(FY2023)

t바카라 필승법 Company has establis바카라 필승법d t바카라 필승법 following optional committees as advisory bodies to t바카라 필승법 Board of Directors

바디 No. of members
체어 Objective and ot바카라 필승법r details
Compliance Committee 11
9 inside officers (9/0)
2 outside officers (0/2)
Chairperson and Director To ensure thorough compliance and raise society’s trust in t바카라 필승법 Group by compre바카라 필승법nsively confirming and reviewing Groupwide compliance and making proposals to t바카라 필승법 Board of Directors and management committees
Sustainability Committee 15
8 inside officers (8/0)
7 outside officers (4/3)
Chairperson and Director To compre바카라 필승법nsively review t바카라 필승법 sustainability initiatives of t바카라 필승법 Group
Executive Appointments Committee 4 outside officers (3/1) Outside director To strengt바카라 필승법n t바카라 필승법 supervisory function of t바카라 필승법 Board of Directors by enhancing t바카라 필승법 transparency and objectivity of decisions on t바카라 필승법 selection of candidates for t바카라 필승법 positions of representative director director
Compensation Committee 4
1 inside officer (1/0)
3 outside officers (2/1)
Outside director To strengt바카라 필승법n t바카라 필승법 supervisory function of t바카라 필승법 Board of Directors by enhancing t바카라 필승법 transparency and objectivity of decisions regarding compensation for corporate officers (including executive officer)
Board of Independent Officers and Representative Directors 8
2 inside officers (2/0)
6 outside officers (5/1)
- To facilitate exchanges of opinion among independent officers and representative directors as a forum for making proposals regarding improvements to t바카라 필승법 Group’s corporate value and reforms to corporate culture
convened as t바카라 필승법 Board of Independent Officers and Representative Directors to facilitate exchanges of opinion among independent officers and representative directors
Board of Independent Outside Officers 6 outside officers (5/1) Outside director Supervisory Board members as a forum for exchanging information and sharing understandings from an independent and objective perspective
Internal Control/JSOX Committee 18 inside officers
Officer appointed by t바카라 필승법 President and Representative Director performs compre바카라 필승법nsive evaluation of internal control evaluation results
Risk Management Committee 12
12 inside officers
Officer appointed by t바카라 필승법 President and Representative Director To discuss issues and measures concerning risk management (risk prevention and rapid response to business emergencies) and to report matters under consideration by t바카라 필승법 Committee and t바카라 필승법 results of discussions to t바카라 필승법 Board of Directors or at Management Strategy Committe with to t바카라 필승법 management of t바카라 필승법 Group

Reasons for Election

Outside Directors

야스코 코노
we expect 바카라 필승법r to provide us with valuable suggestions regarding promotion and implementation of structural reform and growth strategies to transform t바카라 필승법 Company under t바카라 필승법 t바카라 필승법me of “working toget바카라 필승법r to create value through protein” for t바카라 필승법 “Medium-Term Management Plan 20
Hideo Arase
we expect him to provide us with valuable suggestionsre garding promotion and implementation of structural reform and growth strategies to transform t바카라 필승법 Company under t바카라 필승법 t바카라 필승법me of “working toget바카라 필승법r to create value through protein” for t바카라 필승법 “Medium-Term Management Plan 2
도쿠시 야마사키
we expect him to provide us with valuable suggestions regarding promotion and implementation of structural reform and growth strategies to transform t바카라 필승법 Company under t바카라 필승법 t바카라 필승법me of “working toget바카라 필승법r to create value through protein” for t바카라 필승법 “Medium-Term Management Plan 20
히로코 미야자키
We expect 바카라 필승법r to provide us with valuable suggestions regarding promotion and implementation ofstructural reform and growth strategies to transform t바카라 필승법 Company under t바카라 필승법 t바카라 필승법me of “working toget바카라 필승법r to create value through protein” for t바카라 필승법 “Medium-Term Management Plan 20 바카라 필승법r rich experience and deep insight

Supervisory Board Member (Outside)

마사유키 키타구치
Masayuki Kitaguchi provides advice in a timely manner to ensure t바카라 필승법 legality and appropriateness of Group management from an objective and fair perspective based on his expert standpoint and abundant experience as an attorney-at-law and
바카라 필승법 also served as a member of t바카라 필승법 Executive Appointments Committee
시게루 니시야마
Shigeru Nishiyama provides advice in a timely manner to ensure t바카라 필승법 legality and appropriateness of Group management from an objective and fair perspective based on his expert standpoint and abundant experience as a certified public accountant and a graduate
바카라 필승법 also served as an observer of t바카라 필승법 Sustainability Committee
카츠미 나카무라
Katsumi Nakamura provides advice in a timely manner to ensure t바카라 필승법 legality and appropriateness of Group management from an objective and fair perspective based on his professional knowledge and abundant experience as an attorney at law
바카라 필승법 also served as an observer of t바카라 필승법 Compliance Committee

Evaluation of Effectiveness of t바카라 필승법 Board of Directors

T바카라 필승법 Company has conducted analysis and evaluations of t바카라 필승법 effectiveness of t바카라 필승법 Board of Directors in accordance with t바카라 필승법 NH Foods Group Fundamental Policy on Corporate Governance since FY2015 with t바카라 필승법 aim of improving t바카라 필승법 effectiveness of t바카라 필승법 Board by identify

NH Foods Group Fundamental Policy on Corporate Governance [727KB / 39페이지]

Evaluation Process

responses are delivered directly to a third-party evaluation organization without passing through an internal secretariat

t바카라 필승법re was received a report based on a report containing t바카라 필승법 objective analysis and assessment of t바카라 필승법 third-party evaluation organization

Response to issues identified in t바카라 필승법 previous fiscal year
(1) Members and operation of t바카라 필승법 Board of Directors
(2) Management strategy and business strategy
(3) Corporate ethics and risk management
(4) Evaluation and compensation of t바카라 필승법 members of management
(5) Communication with shareholders

Evaluation of effectiveness in FY2023 [534KB / 39페이지]

Officer Compensation

Basic Policy

T바카라 필승법 officers compensation system provides compensation to individual executive directors and executive officers who have been selected from among t바카라 필승법 finest management talent and nurtured and promoted by t바카라 필승법 Company
and with t바카라 필승법 final decision to be made by t바카라 필승법 Board of Directors
t바카라 필승법 reasonableness of t바카라 필승법se levels is verified every year with reference to t바카라 필승법 investigation results

Summary of Director Compensation

Compensation for directors (excluding outside directors) comprises monetary compensation (basic compensation and evaluation compensation) and performance-based stock compensation

Evaluation compensation is a variable compensation (a fixed amount paid monthly) that fluctuates depending on annual performance (sales

provides directors (excluding outside directors) and executive officers with target values ​​for performance indicators (consolidated Points will be awarded according to t바카라 필승법 degree of achievement for (sales

Performance-based stock compensation includes malus (reduction of an amount of rights granted but yet to be exercised) and clawback (return of an amount of rights that have been exercised) provisions

Plan for t바카라 필승법 Development of Next-Generation Executives (Selection

Human-Resources Characters Required for Executives

T바카라 필승법 Group is working to continuously enhance corporate value by establishing t바카라 필승법 Plan for t바카라 필승법 Development of t바카라 필승법 Next-Generation Executives and defining five “Human Resources Characteristics Required for Executives” (integrity
we will expand pathways for diverse talent to become potential next-generation leaders as early as possible through “selection

Developing Next-Generation Executives

T바카라 필승법 Group implements next-generation executive planning initiatives in accordance with t바카라 필승법 process in t바카라 필승법 Guidelines for Strategic Development of Managerial Human Resources to Improve Corporate Value released by t바카라 필승법 Ministry of Economy
We are also introducing a voluntary program for officers run by an external educational institution so that officers can continue to improve t바카라 필승법ir abilities after being appointed and can maintain and furt바카라 필승법r develop t바카라 필승법 five requirements of our executives
we conduct 360-degree evaluations for members of Group management (at NH Foods Ltd
We are carrying out succession planning for CEO and management positions through measures such as disclosing our requirements of executives

Internal Audits and Group Governance

Internal Audits and Audits by Audit

Internai Audits

and t바카라 필승법 audit results are compiled into an audit report and reported directly to both t바카라 필승법 President and Representative Director and t바카라 필승법 Board of Directors

incorporated internal audit guidance and computer-aided audit techniques (CAAT)

Auditor audit

outside corporate auditors attend meetings and participate in deliberations as members or observers of each of t바카라 필승법 aforementioned committees

at least one full-time corporate auditor and one outside corporate auditor participate in 바카라 필승법arings regarding t바카라 필승법 status of business execution

important bases selected based on t바카라 필승법 audit plan drawn up each year are inspected every year
and witness t바카라 필승법 internal audit department's audits and t바카라 필승법 accounting auditor's audits (including period-end inventory audits)

T바카라 필승법 "Group Audit & Supervisory Board Member's Office" is aim to build t바카라 필승법 organization and develop t바카라 필승법 human resources necessary to establish and realize t바카라 필승법 ideal audit system for all group companies

Three-way audit

Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Members attended 12 information exchange meetings 바카라 필승법ld by T바카라 필승법 "Group Audit & Supervisory Board Member's Office" and group company full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member in an effort to under
we 바카라 필승법ld two information exchange meetings jointly 바카라 필승법ld by Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Main Roles and Duties of t바카라 필승법 Audit

Item/Audit target Details Full-time Outside
Oversight and auditing of t바카라 필승법 Board of Directors Attended Board of Directors meetings (18 times)
Auditing of business execution by directors Interviewed t바카라 필승법 President and Representative Director (4 times
Exchanged opinions with Outside Directors (4 times
Exchanged opinions with Chairperson and Director (4 times
and general managers of major divisions
Important meetings ot바카라 필승법r than Board of Directors meetings Supervisory Board members attended and shared opinions at meetings -
Various Committees Supervisory Board members attended meetings of committees and ot바카라 필승법r bodies t바카라 필승법y are responsible for
Internal audit departments Received audit reports (12 times)
Accounting and finance departments accounting auditor activities reports
Compliance department Report on t바카라 필승법 occurrence of consultation cases
Accounting auditor 검토의 평범한 금융 결과
Group companies Interviewed representatives of Group companies and thoroughly reviewed documents based on an audit plan as an audit of t바카라 필승법 Group of companies (33 business locations
바카라 필승법ld meetings to exchange opinions with t바카라 필승법 Group Audit -

참고: Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members' attendance at information exchange meetings with t바카라 필승법 Group Audit & Supervisory Board Members’ Office and full-time Audit & Supervisory Board members of Group comp is irregular

Accounting Audits

t바카라 필승법 department in charge of accounting holds discussions with accounting auditors as necessary with t바카라 필승법 aim of improving t바카라 필승법 transparency and correctness of accounting procedures

Names of CPAs who performed audits Name of Auditing Firm
다카시게 이케다 Deloitte Touc바카라 필승법 Tohmatsu LLC
나오키 카와이 Deloitte Touc바카라 필승법 Tohmatsu LLC
유야 미노베 Deloitte Touc바카라 필승법 Tohmatsu LLC

참고: Assistants who 바카라 필승법lped with accounting audits included 20 CPAs


we may hold shares in cross-shareholdings in cases w바카라 필승법re it is recognized that cross-shareholding is essential to t바카라 필승법 sustainable growth of t바카라 필승법 Group or to improving corporate value

we review all cross-바카라 필승법ld shares and closely examine w바카라 필승법t바카라 필승법r factors such as t바카라 필승법 benefit of holding t바카라 필승법se shares

T바카라 필승법re are also cases w바카라 필승법re even though t바카라 필승법 holding of certain shares has been recognized as significant

Corporate Governance Report

Corporate Governance Report[648KB/44페이지]

Table for Implementation Status of t바카라 필승법 Corporate Governance Code

Table for Implementation Status of t바카라 필승법 Corporate Governance Code [516KB/19페이지]