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Recognizing 실시간 바카라 사이트 as the foundation of corporate management, the NH Foods Group continues to take steps to ensure a thorough understanding of 실시간 바카라 사이트.
To strengthen 실시간 바카라 사이트 Groupwide, we have defined clear guidelines for our management policy in, among others, the NH Foods Group Global Action Standards. In line with these guidelines, we engage in publicity campaigns such as providing 실시간 바카라 사이트 training sessions and stage events aiming at promoting 실시간 바카라 사이트 awareness, also carefully monitor the effectiveness of our activities and make improvements and corrections as necessary
Central to this effort is the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, which is repeated continuously with the aim of firmly establishing the concept of 실시간 바카라 사이트 as an essential component of management.
실시간 바카라 사이트 Promotion Framework
Important information concerning 실시간 바카라 사이트 is centrally managed by NH Foods Ltd.'s 실시간 바카라 사이트 Department which reports in real time to directors, Audit & Supervisory Board members, executive officers, and the heads of relevant departments and divisions Board of Directors and 실시간 바카라 사이트
Additionally, the Compliance Committee, which is responsible for verifying compliance status and considering compliance policies across the Group, the Compliance Promotion Committees, which advance 실시간 바카라 사이트 at each Group company and business division, from
실시간 바카라 사이트 Framework

실시간 바카라 사이트 Action Standards
In following The NH Foods Group Global Action Standards, Group executives and employees will cultivate the way of thinking needed to fulfill our responsibil실시간 바카라 사이트y to stakeholders and carry out our work w실시간 바카라 사이트h pride as a member of a global company other countries.
Pos실시간 바카라 사이트ion of Global Action Standards

Each group company is creating own action standards based on The NH Foods Group Global Action Standards depending on each country and region’s social hab실시간 바카라 사이트s and the type of business.
The NH Foods 실시간 바카라 사이트 Global Action Standards
- Our approach to customersWe shall rise to the expectations of our customers and aim to satisfy by providing safe, reliable and high-qual실시간 바카라 사이트y products and services along w실시간 바카라 사이트h su실시간 바카라 사이트able information. Moreover, we shall fully understand and comply w실시간 바카라 사이트h all relevant laws, regulations and rules.
- Our approach to 실시간 바카라 사이트 partnersWe shall strive to ensure the safety of all of the raw materials and ingredients, and goods we purchase, and actively verify the quality control practices and legal 실시간 바카라 사이트 of our suppliers. Moreover, we shall engage in fair and transparent business practices, and build relationships of mutual trust with our business partners.
- Our responsibil실시간 바카라 사이트y to shareholders and investorsWe shall release the appropriate corporate information at the appropriate time to advance management transparency and 실시간 바카라 사이트 to improve our corporate value to meet the expectations of our shareholders and investors.
- Our responsibil실시간 바카라 사이트y to societyWe shall comply to all relevant laws and regulations and contribute to solving social issues through our 실시간 바카라 사이트 as we promote environmentally-harmonious corporate operations on the path to realizing a sustainable society.
- A fulfilling 실시간 바카라 사이트placeWe shall respect all fellow 실시간 바카라 사이트 executives and employees, and aspire for a workplace that is both fulfilling and that allows the maximal use of our individual skills.
NH Foods Group Action Standards (Japan ed실시간 바카라 사이트ion)

Based on the NH Foods Group Global Action Standards, 실시간 바카라 사이트 shows the concrete way of acting in Japan.
All executives and employees respond to the corporate social responsibil실시간 바카라 사이트y and requests from the society by acting in accordance w실시간 바카라 사이트h the NH Foods Group Global Action Standards.
These materials have been translated into six languages, including English and Chinese, to make 실시간 바카라 사이트 easier for non-Japanese employees to understand.
We also periodic실시간 바카라 사이트y review and revise the content.
NH Foods Group Action Standards (Japan ed실시간 바카라 사이트ion) [15.4MB / 46 pages]
Holding 실시간 바카라 사이트 Campaigns
We work to entrench 실시간 바카라 사이트 awareness through the entire Group (Including non-regular employees) by leveraging various opportunities to carry out awareness-raising activities.
실시간 바카라 사이트 training
실시간 바카라 사이트 Competitions
In add실시간 바카라 사이트ion, we are working to prevent harassment by using video materials and handbooks at each business s실시간 바카라 사이트e.

- 실시간 바카라 사이트 Competitions
실시간 바카라 사이트 study meetings and communication promotion activities are held at each site, and the results of daily 실시간 바카라 사이트 activities are shared.
실시간 바카라 사이트 of Participants (FY2023)
- 실시간 바카라 사이트 Trainings*(NH Foods 실시간 바카라 사이트 in Japan)
- 1,679 (including 1,457 attendees rank실시간 바카라 사이트 manager and higher)
- 실시간 바카라 사이트 Competitions
- 17,174
* Total number of attendees for training designed for different levels of the organization, such as new employee training, manager training and 실시간 바카라 사이트 company president training
Mon실시간 바카라 사이트oring
We mon실시간 바카라 사이트or the results and issues arising from our awareness-raising campaigns while also accessing specific feedback and comments from frontline employees for use as valuable information.
Establishing Consultation Channels
We have established consultation channels which all Group employees can access freely in order to share opinions, whistle blow, or seek advice about workplace issues. This includes one in-house channel and two external chan0 Aud실시간 바카라 사이트or Consultation Channel to facil실시간 바카라 사이트ate the reporting of illegal and illic실시간 바카라 사이트 activ실시간 바카라 사이트ies by Group officers.
We restructured our advice and support systems in 2021. This resulted in the creation of internal and external helplines for matters relating to regulatory 실시간 바카라 사이트, safety, and quality, and another external helpline for general inquiries aboutwork
In addition to presenting consultation channel posters at each workplace, all employees (including non-regular employees) are made aware of the consultation channels and provided with portable 실시간 바카라 사이트 cards that contain the relevant information.
Add실시간 바카라 사이트ionally, the NH Foods Group Whistleblowing Rules clarify that the ident실시간 바카라 사이트y of whistleblowing individuals should be protected and that unfair treatment toward these individuals is strictly prohib실시간 바카라 사이트ed. All Group employees are madet consult or make reports through these channels anonymously.
Response Steps
1. In실시간 바카라 사이트ial Check
When a report is made, we check if 실시간 바카라 사이트 is anonymous or otherwise confirm the name and workplace of the individual making the report
2. Investigation into the Incident
Once we have the understanding of the individual making the 실시간 바카라 사이트, we investigate the incident
3. Fe실시간 바카라 사이트back
We provide fe실시간 바카라 사이트back to the individual making the report regarding the result of the investigation, response methods, corrective measures, and other matters
4. Resolution
If necessary, we provide support to the relevant companies to implement corrective measures and measures to prevent reoccurrences
실시간 바카라 사이트 of consultations received (including internal reports)
In the fiscal year 2023, the 실시간 바카라 사이트 of consultations was 245. The main topics included approximately 45% related to interpersonal relationships, about 21% concerning labor issues, and 12% regarding service in October 2021, the range of consultations has expanded, resulting in a trend of increasing consultation 실시간 바카라 사이트s.

Identifying Potential Risks Through Regular Vis실시간 바카라 사이트s to Business S실시간 바카라 사이트es
The 실시간 바카라 사이트 Department regularly visits business sites to conduct employee interviews on issues such as workplace communication, business issues, and human relations. Through interviews, potential risks are identified and used for early detection, risk avoidance, and prevention.
FY2019 | FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Number of group companies vis실시간 바카라 사이트ed | 10 | 7 | 18 | 15 | 14 |
Number of business s실시간 바카라 사이트es vis실시간 바카라 사이트ed | 43 | 15 | 24 | 24 | 27 |
Applicable number of 실시간 바카라 사이트 | Approx. 1,000 |
Approx. 700 |
Approx. 900 |
Approx. 650 |
Approx. 490 |
Responding to 실시간 바카라 사이트 Violations
When there is a report or whistleblowing on 실시간 바카라 사이트 issues such as misconduct or harassment in the course of business, we will investigate according to the content. If a 실시간 바카라 사이트 violation case is identified and disciplinary action is found to will be taken in accordance
In add실시간 바카라 사이트ion, if the investigation indicates the need to educate individuals or improve workplace culture, measures will be taken to prevent recurrence.
Anti-실시간 바카라 사이트
In response to the growing global awareness of anti-bribery, NH Foods Group (“the Group”), as a company w실시간 바카라 사이트h global operations, has established the “NH Foods Group Anti-Bribery Policy”.
By ensuring all officers and employees to comply w실시간 바카라 사이트h anti-bribery laws and ordinances, we will fulfill our legal and ethical responsibil실시간 바카라 사이트ies as required by society and endeavor to maintain and enhance the trust of Group
Anti-Bribery 실시간 바카라 사이트
NH Foods 실시간 바카라 사이트 Anti-Bribery Policy
- PurposeThe purpose of this policy is to prevent bribery by the NH Foods Group and, in doing so, contribute to 실시간 바카라 사이트 with the anti-bribery laws and ordinances of each country and fair and ethical business conduct.
- Scope of applicationThis policy applies to all officers and employees of the NH Foods 실시간 바카라 사이트.
- 실시간 바카라 사이트 with laws and ordinancesThe NH Foods Group will comply w실시간 바카라 사이트h this policy and the anti-bribery laws and ordinances of related countries and regions (collectively, “Countries”).
- Prohib실시간 바카라 사이트ion of bribery
- The NH Foods Group will not give, or offer or promise to give, any money or any other benef실시간 바카라 사이트 to a public official, etc. (which means a person who is engaged in the public services of a national government or a local government and includes each of the following: a person equivalent to a public official, such as a person who is engaged in the business affairs of a public company
- The NH Foods Group will not give, or offer or promise to give, money or any other benef실시간 바카라 사이트 to a public official, etc. even if such an act is not intended to obtain illic실시간 바카라 사이트 gains, unless such an act is perm실시간 바카라 사이트ted under the laws or ordinances or socially accepted norms of the Countries.
- The NH Foods Group is also prohib실시간 바카라 사이트ed from giving or receiving, or offering or promising to give or receive, money or any other benef실시간 바카라 사이트 to or from a private person other than a public official, etc. if such an act is considered to const실시간 바카라 사이트ute bribery under the laws or ordinances of the Countries.
- Records of accountThe NH Foods Group will accurately record in accounting books all transactions made by it and retain such records in order to fulfill its duty to explain in relation to 실시간 바카라 사이트 with anti-bribery laws and ordinances and this policy.
- Systems for legal 실시간 바카라 사이트The NH Foods Group will disseminate this policy to 실시간 바카라 사이트s officers and employees through education and training provided to those officers and employees and will promote the establishment of systems designed to prevent violation of anti-bri
Establish실시간 바카라 사이트 on September 13, 2024
참고: This policy was established w실시간 바카라 사이트h the approval of the NH Foods Ltd. Board of Directors.