바카라 규칙

The business was an early adopter of a vertical integration system encompassing all operations from livestock 바카라 규칙 to slaughtering

바카라 규칙 Glance

바카라 규칙 규칙

Share of 바카라 규칙 meat sales in Japan

바카라 규칙

Number of own farms in Japan

바카라 규칙

Number of plants in Japan

*As of April 2024

Summary of 바카라 규칙

strengthen procurement and 바카라 규칙 capabilities

  1. 바카라 규칙 capabilities
    • [Domestic beef] Externalize assets and collaborate with external partners
    • [Domestic pork] Improve in-house 바카라 규칙 indicators and strengthen external partnerships
    • [Domestic chicken] 바카라 규칙 by both strengthening in-house / using external partners
    • [Importing] Strengthen ties with existing overseas major suppliers and improve quality and standards
  2. Strengthen 바카라 규칙 capabilities
    • Expand market share and improve profitability through focused channel 바카라 규칙
    • Gain competitiveness and improve gross profit through branded me바카라 규칙nd value-added products
    • Strengthen marketing to formulate and implement 바카라 규칙 policies

바카라 규칙

and our hog 바카라 규칙 changes feed content at each growth stage to produce tender pork

such as by providing free access stalls* for sows and drinking water facilities in the pens where pigs are kept in the 바카라 규칙 facilities

* Allowing free movement within the enclosure for pregnant sows

바카라 규칙

바카라 규칙

We also coordinate with nearby Group farms to ensure swift and stable delivery of 바카라 규칙

our processing facilities also carve the me바카라 규칙ccording to the specific needs of customers in the mass retail

We have established a quality assurance system to ensure the stable supply of safe and secure products

바카라 규칙

We maintain an independent nationwide logistics structure capable of swift product distribution that preserves the 바카라 규칙ness and quality of our meats
with just-in-time capabilities to deliver the right quantity of the right food at the right time

바카라 규칙

The NH Foods Group’s internal production and external procurement operations account for about 20% of the 바카라 규칙 meat market in Korea
Our sales locations gather information and use our expertise in 바카라 규칙 to propose consumer-oriented product lines and processing techniques for our customers

Shares of meat markets in Japan 바카라 규칙 20%

  • Beef 16.1%
  • Pork 19.9%
  • Chicken 22.2%