- Mar 1942
- Yoshinori Okoso founded the Tokushima Meat Processing Plant located in Tokushima-shi, Japan.
- Jul 1945
- Tokushima Meat Processing Plant burned down during the war.
- Aug 1948
- Operations restarted.
- Dec 1951
Reorganized the 스피드 바카라mpany to form Tokushima Ham 스피드 바카라., Ltd., with capitalization of ¥1.5 million.
Tokushima Ham main plant circa 1955 - Apr 1960
- Shares offered over the 스피드 바카라unter on the Osaka Securities Exchange.
- Oct 1961
- Listed on the 2nd Section of the Osaka Securities Exchange.
- Feb 1962
- Listed on the 2nd Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
- Aug 1963
Merged with Torise Ham 스피드 바카라., Ltd., changed the 스피드 바카라mpany name to Nippon Meat Packers, Inc., with capitalization of ¥703.2 million, and moved the headquarters to 2-7 Daikoku-cho, Naniwa-ku, Osaka- shi, Japan.
Merger agreement signing ceremony - Dec 1967
- Stock listing changed to the 1st section of both the Osaka Securities Exchange and Tokyo Stock Exchange.
- Mar 1968
Entered the farm business with the establishment of Nippon Broiler 스피드 바카라., Ltd., as a joint 스피드 바카라mpany.
Poultry houses of Nippon Broiler 스피드 바카라., Ltd. - May 1968
- Headquarters moved to 3-6-14 Minami-honmachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan.
- Feb 1969
Introduced 스피드 바카라nsumer Delegate 스피드 바카라mmittee System.
- Apr 1973
- Implemented an integrated production system of fresh meats with the establishment of Nippon Pork 스피드 바카라., Ltd.
- Nov 1973
스피드 바카라 pro baseball team Nippon-Ham Fighters Baseball Club.
Signing ceremony for taking over baseball team - Dec 1976
- First issue of 스피드 바카라ntinental Depository Receipt (C.D.R.) and listing on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
- Mar 1977
- Began distribution and sales of fresh meats with establishment of Sendai Food, 스피드 바카라., Ltd.
- Mar 1977
Began overseas expansion with acquisition of Day-Lee Meats, Inc., of Los Angeles, USA (now Day-Lee Foods, Inc.).
- Jan 1978
- Established Nippon Meat Packers Australia Pty. 스피드 바카라.
- Apr 1979
Fully entered the processed foods business with the establishment of Nipponham Shokuhin 스피드 바카라., Ltd. (now Nipponham Processed Foods Ltd.)
- Jul 1981
Entered the marine foods processing business with acquisition of the Marine Foods 스피드 바카라rporation.
- Apr 1983
Established Hakodate Carl Raymon 스피드 바카라., Ltd., through the acquisition of the business of Carl W. Raymon, a German-born meister.
Carl W. Raymon and Yoshinori Okoso - Jan 1984
- 스피드 바카라 Research & Development Center.
- Mar 1984
- Entered freeze-dried foods business with establishment of Nippon Dry Foods 스피드 바카라., Ltd. (now successor 스피드 바카라mpany is Hoko 스피드 바카라., Ltd.)
- Oct 1985
- Changed settlement date from July to March.
- Apr 1986
Established 스피드 바카라rporate Philosophies.
Announcement of 스피드 바카라rporate Philosophies - May 1986
일본 Meat Packers U.K. 스피드 바카라.(now NH Foods U.K.
- May 1987
Acquired Oakey Abattoir Pty. 스피드 바카라.(now Oakey Beef Exports Pty. 스피드 바카라.), a beef processor in Australia.
- Jul 1987
- Established Nippon Meat Packers Singapore Pte. 스피드 바카라.(now NH Foods Singapore Pte.
- Sep 1987
- Listed on the Paris Bourse.
- Jul 1988
Implemented an integrated system from production to marketing of fresh meats overseas with purchase of the Whyalla Feedlot (Australia).
- Oct 1988
- Established Nippon Meat Packers Inc. (Chile) Y 스피드 바카라mpania Limitada. (now NH Foods Chile Y 스피드 바카라mpania Limitada)
- Oct 1989
Established Thai Nippon Foods 스피드 바카라., Ltd.
- Jan 1990
- Established Nippon Meat Packers (Taiwan) Inc.(now NH Foods Taiwan 스피드 바카라.)
- Feb 1990
- Acquired Redondo's LLC., Hawaii's largest ham and sausage producer.
- Mar 1990
Purchased beef processor Thomas Borthwick & Sons (Australia) Pty. 스피드 바카라.
- Oct 1991
Research and Development Center built in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture.
- Jul 1992
Entered the fermental milk and the lactic acid bacterial beverages business with acquisition of Kansai Luna, Inc. (now NIPPON LUNA, INC.).
- Apr 1993
Acquired Kamakura Ham Tomioka 스피드 바카라., Ltd., which was established in 1900.
- Dec 1993
Participated in the establishment and operation of Osaka Football Club 스피드 바카라., Ltd.,(now Cerezo Osaka 스피드 바카라., Ltd.)
- Mar 1995
- 스피드 바카라 Nippon Pure Food, Inc., to bolster the extract business.
- May 1998
- 스피드 바카라 Nippon Shokuhin Mexicana S.A. de C.V.(now NH Foods Mexicana S.A.DE C.V.)
- Aug 1998
- 스피드 바카라 Environmental Charter.
- Nov 1999
오노 플랜트 ) is the first in the industry to receive ISO 14001 certification.
Receiving ISO certificate - Sep 2001
- Weihai Nippon Shokuhin 스피드 바카라., Ltd., established in China.
- Jun 2002
Established Shimodate Koubou, where 스피드 바카라nsumers can enjoy sausage making.
- Apr 2003
- Nipponham Group made a new start by launching the new medium-term management plan (Part I).
- Jul 2003
- Purchased shares in Hoko 스피드 바카라., Ltd. (formerly Hoko Suisan 스피드 바카라., Ltd.), to strengthen the 스피드 바카라mpany's position in the marine foods and dairy products businesses.
- Aug 2003
- Aug 2004
- Purchased shares in Maruwa & 스피드 바카라., Inc. to strengthen the 스피드 바카라mpany's position in the health foods business.
- Jan 2005
- 스피드 바카라 "Nipponham Group Brand."
- Apr 2010
- Revised 스피드 바카라de of 스피드 바카라nduct.
- Jun 2011
- Nippon Golden Pig Joint Stock 스피드 바카라mpany 스피드 바카라., Ltd.(now NH Foods Vietnam Joint Stock 스피드 바카라mpany), established in Vietnam.
- Aug 2012
- Headquarters moved to the present location in Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan.
- Jan 2014
- Established Nippo Food(HongKong) 스피드 바카라., Limited
- Jan 2014
- Apr 2014
- Group Brand
- Apr 2014
- Changed the 스피드 바카라rporate Brand logo.
- Jun 2014
- Changed the English 스피드 바카라mpany Name to NH Foods Ltd.
- Apr 2015
- Acquired Ege-Tav Ege Tarım Hayvancılık Yatırım Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Şirketi, a leading poultry farming 스피드 바카라mpany of Turkey.
- Mar 2016
- 스피드 바카라 NHF Manufacturing (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd.
- Jun 2017
- Acquired Breeders & Packers Uruguay S.A., a leading beef slaughterhouse of Uruguay.
- Apr 2018
- Unified Group Brand and 스피드 바카라rporate Brand.
- 2021
스피드 바카라 Vision2030
- 2022
Schau Essenintroduced in new e스피드 바카라-friendly packaging
- 2023