바카라 룰

The NH Foods Group formulated 바카라 룰 as a step toward the realization of its Vision2030 (“Unleash new potentials for protein”). The theme for the plan, which covers the 3 years ending March 2025 through March 2027, is “Working together to create value through protein”.

Overall Concepts and 바카라 룰 Targets

Figure:Overall Concepts and 바카라 룰 룰 Targets

Three-Year Targets under the 바카라 룰


바카라 룰—Management Issues and Innovation Themes

We aim to realize Vision2030 by pursuing further growth through structural reforms, growth strategies, and cultural reforms. Under 바카라 룰, we will work to achieve business profit of ¥79 billion or higher in FY2029/3 by implementing structural reforms and growth strategies based on backcasting perspectives, and through business recycling leading to the creation

Figure:바카라 룰 룰2030 Unleash new potentials protein

바카라 룰 Model Innovation Strategies

We will incorporate structural reforms, growth strategies, and cultural reforms into our business strategies and build a structure to tackle issues under 바카라 룰 leadership. These themes are shown in the following diagram.


Business strategy: Restructuring of ROIC 바카라 룰

By the year ending March 2027, the final year of the 바카라 룰, we aim to achieve benefits of ¥10 billion through structural reforms and ¥6 billion through growth strategies.

The Processed Foods Business Division will exit from low-profit areas and build a strong earnings base by concentrating 바카라 룰 resources into high-added-value products. The Fresh Meats Business Division will further increase the sales potential of the Nippon Food companies by strengthening their marketing capabilities.


Human resource strategy: Optimize human 바카라 룰

One of our priorities for structural reform and growth strategies is the fostering of a culture focused on new ch바카라 룰enges. We will focus in particular on the development of innovative managers through changes to executive remuneration, the development of systems to discover and train next-generation managers, and the promotion of people who can take on new ch바카라 룰enges.


Sustainability strategy: Solve social 바카라 룰 through materiality-based actions

We will work to realize our vision through a sustainability strategy centered on the solution of social issues through 바카라 룰 activities. The four pillars of that strategy are to provide the joy of eating, create new value, protect the global environment, and strengthen the resilience of our 바카라 룰 base.


Financial strategy: Pursue returns in excess of 바카라 룰 costs and implement 바카라 룰 optimization initiatives

We will build an optimal debt-equity structure by integrating our financial strategy with our business strategy and controlling shareholders’ equity. We aim to create a 바카라 룰 structure capable of delivering returns in excess of the cost of capital.


Improving 바카라 룰 efficiency

Under 바카라 룰, we aim to achieve sustainable growth in corporate value by improving profitability and optimizing invested capital. We see strategic cash allocation as a key policy for the achievement of our targets for the year ending March 2027, including ROE of 7-8% and ROIC of 5-6%.

We aim to generate cash reliably by measuring ROIC and capital costs for each 바카라 룰, thoroughly managing invested capital through KPIs based on frontline perspectives, and reducing capital costs.

We plan to invest approximately ¥140 billion, of which around ¥94 billion will be allocated to the maintenance, updating, and restructuring of existing 바카라 룰es. The remaining ¥50 billion will be allocated to growth investment, including brand enhancement, overseas 바카라 룰, R&D, and environment-related initiatives.

Our debt-equity ratio target is 0.5-0.6. We have established a share repurchasing quota of ¥20 바카라 룰 for FY2025/3, and we recognize the need to implement share buybacks on this level in the next and subsequent fiscal years.

In addition to securing resources for growth investment and R&D investment, we will also enhance shareholder returns and 바카라 룰ocate funds strategic바카라 룰y.
