실시간 바카라 Leadership

  • The Company sets deliveringthe joy of eatingas our 실시간 바카라 philosophy and our goal is to establish a business model that aims to maximize the 실시간 바카라 value by integrating enhancement of the business value with resolutions of social issues such as the “global environment
  • the Company selects human resources that satisfy the requirements of each skill item in a well-balanced manner and composes the 실시간 바카라 of Directors accordingly with consideration of diversity as well
No. Inside/Outside D실시간 바카라ector 이름 실시간 바카라 management International experience 실시간 바카라 environment/Sustainability Consumer perspective/Marketing/R Finance/Accounting Legal affa실시간 바카라s / Quality management / Risk management
1 Inside 테츠히로 키토
2 Inside 노부히사 이카와
3 Inside Masahito Kataoka
4 Inside 푸미오 마에다
5 Inside Kouhei Akiyama
6 Outside 야스코 코노
7 Outside Hideo Arase
7 Outside 도쿠시 야마사키
8 Outside 히로코 미야자키