2022 통합 보고서

Since the year ended March 31,2019, we have published the NH Foods Group 바카라 주소 instead of the Annual Report.
NH Foods

In March 2021, the NH Foods Group formulated Vision2030—“Unleash new potentials for protein” and 바카라 주소 its business and sustainability strategies under Medium-Term Management Plans 2023 and 2026. In the year since at initiatives to achieve growth and development for the Group, while contributing to the solution of social issues.

바카라 주소 Index

바카라 주소


We remain firmly committed to the realization of 바카라 주소2030 despite rapid and unpredictable environmental changes.

Sharing theJoy of Eatingthrough the pursuit of improvement
in social value and business value

바카라 주소 process

Progress toward the realization of 바카라 주소2030

Described here is our roadmap for the realization of 바카라 주소2030, in which we define the future that we en바카라 주소 for the NH Foods Group in 2030. Here you will find information about the establishment of optimal production systems and pur our ROIC

Progress on 바카라 주소 and growth strategies

Under Medium-Term Management Plans 2023 and 2026, which we formulated by backcasting from 바카라 주소2030, we are currently pursuing three business strategies and one functional strategy. Presented here is detailed information about results and future plans under these strategies for each segment.

Overview of strategy

Foundation for 바카라 주소

The NH Foods Group has identified five social issues that we need to address in order to realize 바카라 주소2030. Described here is our progress on measures relating to each of these “Five Materialities”.

2022 통합 보고서 PDF 색인

다운로드 모든 페이지

다운로드 in sections

  • Opening [0.8MB]
  • About the NH Foods Group [2.6MB]

    Editorial policy / Overview / History / 바카라 주소 process / Using and enhancing six types of capital to support 바카라 주소 / Financial and non-financial highlights

  • 바카라 주소[1.6MB]

    Message from the President / Message from the General Manager of Corporate Planning Di바카라 주소 / Message from the CFO / Messages from outside directors

  • Progress toward the realization of 바카라 주소2030 [0.9MB]

    Road to 2030 / Increasing business value / Risks and opportunities / Increasing social value / Creating new value

  • Progress on 바카라 주소 and growth strategies [2.5MB]

    Progress under Medium-Term Management Plans 2023/2026 / Close-up (Research & development/Development and design/DX initiative/Employee potential) / Segment data (At a glance/Processed Foods Business Di바카라 주소/Fres Overseas Business Di바카라 주소/Baseball Club

  • Foundation for 바카라 주소 [2.1MB]

    Our approach to sustainability and sustainability promotion framework / Contributing to a sustainable environment / Responding to climate change / Stable procurement and supply of proteins / Food diversification and health / Co-creation and shared prosper through food and sports / Employee development and respect for diversity / Corporate governance

  • Corporate data [0.4MB]

    Consolidated financial statements (past 10 years) / Corporate data/Stock information

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