실시간 바카라 사이트


We remain f실시간 바카라 사이트mly committed to the realization of Vision2030 despite rapid and unpredictable env실시간 바카라 사이트onmental changes.

실시간 바카라 사이트

요시히데 하타President and Representative D실시간 바카라 사이트ector

Q. The NH 실시간 바카라 사이트s Group has reached the 80th anniversary of its founding.What are your thoughts about the future in this milestone year?

Our challenges in 실시간 바카라 사이트 time of unprecedented environmental change

In March 2022 the NH 실시간 바카라 사이트s Group marked the 80th anniversary of its founding. In retrospect, our history can be seen as a series of successes resulting from our determination to overcome adversity and crises.

실시간 바카라 사이트 is essential to human life. The NH 실시간 바카라 사이트s Group is a key player in the 실시간 바카라 사이트 industry and will continue to provide theJoy of Eatingby unleashing new potentials for protein as we take up new challenges on our path to becoming a sustainable company through the realization of Vision2030. We will continue our efforts to raise awareness of 실시간 바카라 사이트 commitment through corporate messaging centered on the words “Unleash new potentials for protein”.

An event that we must never forget as we work to move forward and achieve further growth is the beef mislabeling scandal that erupted in 2002. Officers and employees who directly experienced 실시간 바카라 사이트 ago, today make up only about 20% of our work force.

In fiscal 2021, 실시간 바카라 사이트 production and procurement problems emerged as a result of the combined impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine crisis. In the future, population growth and climate change are expected to cause shortages of 실시간 바카라 사이트 and protein.

The path to the realization of our Vision2030 is likely to be a steep one in the present environment. However, provided that all employees continue to improve their skills and remain focused on our goals, the NH 실시간 바카라 사이트s Group will be able to realize its corporate philosophy as a place where employees can feel truly happy and fulfilled.

The Philosophy and Mission of the NH 실시간 바카라 사이트s Group

Q. What are your priorities under the new plan and vision launched in fiscal 2021?

Fostering shared awareness with실시간 바카라 사이트, building understanding and resonance through dialogue

Since announcing Vision2030—Unleashing new potentials for protein—our Medium-Term 실시간 바카라 사이트 Plans for 2023 and 2026, and the Five Materialities in 2021, we have worked to raise awareness of our Vision I have also engaged in continual dialogue with employees and other stakeholders.

My impression from 실시간 바카라 사이트 dialogue is that our investors and business partners now have a better understanding of our strategic direction and policies. However, I feel that we need to work harder to share 실시간 바카라 사이트 information with consumers.

We also prioritize information sharing and the achievement of resonance in our dialogue with employees.


We have also created new systems to support efforts toward the realization of Vision2030. Our vision of “unleashing new potentials for protein” cannot be achieved without the freedom to express ideas and take up new challenges.

Q. How would you assess progress under Medium-Term 실시간 바카라 사이트 Plan 2023? What are the challenges?

F실시간 바카라 사이트st-year results largely on-target
Going forward, we will 실시간 바카라 사이트 more flexible approach and step up the pace of our initiatives

In fiscal 2021, the f실시간 바카라 사이트st year of the plan, we faced soaring raw material prices and higher procurement and production costs. However, the financial results were generally in line with our targets, thanks to price revisions, efficiency improvements, and the pursuit of brand and channel strategies.

Our business env실시간 바카라 사이트onment has changed dramatically over the past year, resulting in increased uncertainty. However, our goals and strategic d실시간 바카라 사이트ection remain unchanged.

As the largest supplier of protein in Japan, the NH 실시간 바카라 사이트s Group plays a vital role in meeting Japan’s 실시간 바카라 사이트 needs. One of the management strategies in our management plan calls for a shift to a sustainable business model with profitability.

In fiscal 2022 we will commence a new initiative based on “co-creation” with other companies. We aim to overcome these challenges by building a co-creation network with companies in a number of fields, including machinery, livestock feed, and IT.

We received numerous questions following the announcement of the sale of Marine 실시간 바카라 사이트s Corporation to Sojitz Corporation, a general trading company. Marine 실시간 바카라 사이트s still has significant growth potential, as demonstrated by the fact that it achieved record profit in the fiscal year ended March 2022. We have invested considerable management resources, including capital expenditure, in the company.

Our second 실시간 바카라 사이트 policy focuses on our overseas business. In Australia we will strengthen our marketing capabilities for branded beef, including grain-fed beef.

Under our th실시간 바카라 사이트d management policy, which focuses on the provision of new value through new products and services, we have moved forward on schedule with the launch of the Wellness Business and Entertainment Business. For the Wellness Business, we created the “Table for All” website as a comprehensive platform for allergy-related products and information.

우리의 fourth 실시간 바카라 사이트 policy relates to digital transformation (DX) initiatives. We aim to use digital technology to rebuild our core systems, optimize operations, create new business, and enhance our 실시간 바카라 사이트 systems.

Our cross-departmental promotion strategies address the need for major improvements, especially 실시간 바카라 사이트 logistics area. There is significant scope for rationalization from a company-wide perspective, and we are steadily implementing individual measures to enhance our capacity to cope with the “2024 problem,” which is expected to affect the logistics industry following the passage of works

The NH 실시간 바카라 사이트s Group will continue to implement structural reforms while vigorously pursuing growth strategies, including the expansion of new areas within existing business domains, the expansion of overseas processing operations, and the creation of new businesses.

Outlook for the Medium-Term 실시간 바카라 사이트 Plan 2023/2026

Medium-Term 실시간 바카라 사이트 Plan 2023, Three Business Strategies and Four 실시간 바카라 사이트 Policies

Q. What progress have you made on the Materialities, and what issues have arisen?

Making steady progress while tackling difficult issues head-on

We are making steady progress on the Five Materialities.

As noted earlier in 실시간 바카라 사이트 message, the employee-related materiaity focuses on employee growth and respect for diversity. We are working under 실시간 바카라 사이트 materiality to enhance motivation by encouraging individuals to take up challenges, and by providing appropriate recogntion of their efforts.

A broader analysis from a talent 실시간 바카라 사이트 perspective indicates that we have a skill diversity issue. I believe that we need to take urgent action to train and utilize people with digital skills and the ability to work overseas.

Our efforts to stable procurement and supply of proteins have also brought progress in relation to animal welfare. We formulated a policy and guidelines in fiscal 2021, and we adopted a target of eliminating gestation crates for sows by 2030.

We are making significant progress in the area of ​​실시간 바카라 사이트 diversification and health. At the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021 in September 2021, we made a commitment to develop 실시간 바카라 사이트s that would contribute to the extension of healthy lifespans.IMIDEA, a 실시간 바카라 사이트 with functional claims containing a patented substance that affects cognitive functions. In addition, in June 2022 we launched a range of delicious,Tender S실시간 바카라 사이트loin Steakdeveloped using expertise developed for our commercial products. We believe that these products will help to prevent motor function deterioration caused by a lack of protein 실시간 바카라 사이트 diet.

We place particular importance on climate change in our efforts to contribute to a sustainable env실시간 바카라 사이트onment. In Japan, the incidence of concentrated intense rainfall events has increasd 2.2 times over the past 45 years.2by 46% by 2030, and we are currently implementing measures that will enable us to achieve carbon neutrality.

A particular challenge for the NH 실시간 바카라 사이트s Group is the reduction of GHG emissions from livestock. The livestock industry accounts for around 14% of world CO2emissions, and we also need to address the problem of livestock-related emissions of methane, which is 25 times more potent than CO2as a greenhouse gas. We regard methane emissions from livestock, especially cattle, as a major problem, and we are working with various institutes and universities in Japan and Australia to modify animal feed and develop methane recovery systems.

On May 13, 2022, we disclosed information about these initiatives in accordance with the TCFD recommendations. We have developed simulations based on 1.5ºC/2ºC and 4ºC scenarios, and we are determined to take effective action.Schau Essenbrand products, resulting in a 28% reduction 실시간 바카라 사이트 amount of plastic used and a 30% reduction in CO2emissions. 실시간 바카라 사이트 initiative has become an impetus for industry-wide changes.

Another of our materialities calls for co-creation and shared prosperity with local communities and society as a whole through 실시간 바카라 사이트 and sports. The opening of our new Hokkaido Ballpark F Village is now less than a year away.

Attendees listen to a presentation at the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021
Q. What message would you like to convey to stakeholders?

We will continue to fulfill our mission as a 실시간 바카라 사이트 manufacturer and supplier
by bringing new ideas and initiatives to the creation of new value.

Medium-Term Management Plan 2023/2026 addresses issues encountered under the previous Medium-term Management Plan and changes 실시간 바카라 사이트 external environment over a six-year time frame. Our goal under this plan is the optimization of our business portfolio from an ROIC perspective through KPI management and DX-based restructuring of existing businesses.

On many occasions I have seen clear evidence of the NH 실시간 바카라 사이트s Group’s tenacity in adversity. I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to the generation of new value through the combined efforts of all members of our organization, as well as co-creation with outside partners, in order to fulfill our mission as a 실시간 바카라 사이트 manufact

We look forward to the continuing support of our shareholders and investors as we move forward with new challenges for the future.

요시히데 하타
President and Representative D실시간 바카라 사이트ector