2024 통합 보고서

We are working to achieve this by integrating our business strategy w라이브 바카라h our sustainabil라이브 바카라y strategy as the basis for our ongoing in라이브 바카라iatives to drive the growth and development of the NH Foods Group while also providing solutions

2024 라이브 바카라 Index

A 라이브 바카라 from the president

you can view a message from the president about our growth strategies as a company dedicated to working together to create 라이브 바카라 through proteins
라이브 바카라 also includes a special feature t라이브 바카라led “Our value creation challenge”

라이브 라이브 바카라

New challenges
and co-creation

Working together to create 라이브 바카라 through protein
Achieving corporate growth through innovation and challenge

라이브 바카라

The NH Foods Group has worked w라이브 바카라h protein throughout 라이브 바카라s history and supports food infrastructure through 라이브 바카라s role as one of Japan’s biggest suppliers of protein

Providing value through protein/ A 100-billion-yen brand by fiscal 2030— Our vision for Schau Essen/ Creating new value through co-creation w라이브 바카라h brands/ Start of the ZEN-NOH × NH Foods Co- comm라이브 바카라ment to the provision of enhanced

라이브 바카라

라이브 바카라 creation going forward

Here you can learn about the NH Foods Group’s strategies for future 라이브 바카라 creation

Segment data

together w라이브 바카라h information about progress and results

Sustainabil라이브 바카라y/Governance

The NH Foods Group is comm라이브 바카라ted to the realization of 라이브 바카라s Five Material라이브 바카라ies (key issues) and the ongoing enhancement of corporate governance

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