바카라 필승법 allergies can result in critical symptoms even in cases of exposure to small amounts of allergens. In 2000, NH 바카라 필승법s Ltd.
In addition, the Nipponham Foundation*, established in 2015, provides 바카라 필승법 support to 바카라 필승법 groups and 바카라 필승법ers nationwide with the aims of promoting further 바카라 필승법 on food allergies and finding scientific solutions.
참고: Renamed the Nippo바카라 필승법am Foundation Public Interest Incorporated Foundation in 2017.
바카라 필승법 and Launch of Testing Kits
In many cases, individuals with 바카라 필승법 allergies can react as a result of exposure to even small quantities of allergens. Such reactions can result in life-threatening symptoms, making proper labeling essential.
When a system for food allergen labeling was being investigated, calls were also made for the 바카라 필승법 of allergen testing technologies to support proper operation of the system. In 2000, NH Foods Ltd.®Eliza of testing kits. These kits employ the methods for confirming whether 바카라 필승법 ingredients contain allergens that were established in the process of developing allergen-free 바카라 필승법s.
In 2003, NH 바카라 필승법s developed the FASTKIT Immunochromato (updated as the FASTKIT Slim in 2009), which can detect allergens in about 15 minutes, for selective use according to the purpose. The FASTKIT®엘리자는 빨리 업데이 트되었습니다.®엘리자 Ver. II in 2005 and was included in partial revision of “Test methods for 바카라 필승법 products containing allergic substances ,” a notice issued by the Director of the Department of 바카라 필승법 Safety, Pharmaceutical and 바카라 필승법 Safety Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Wel
FASTKIT®엘리자 Ver. II was updated as the FASTKIT®엘리자 Ver. III , which does not use any non-pharmaceutical toxins in 2014.
These testing kits are used by many 바카라 필승법 makers and public testing organizations and have become essential tools for ensuring the safety of 바카라 필승법s.


Can be used to test a wide range of materials from ingredients to processed 바카라 필승법s, making it ideal for verifying labeling of ingredients or final products.

Use is simple—a 바카라 필승법 reagent is dropped onto a sample, and the presence or absence of a magenta line is confirmed 15 minutes later—making this product ideal for use in day-to-day management at manufacturing sites such as confirming proper cleaning of manufacturing equipment.
The lineup includes 바카라 필승법 substances: egg, milk, wheat, buckwheat, peanut, and soybean.