The NH Foods Group is using the knowledge and experience that it has acquired through business and other activities to support future 스피드 바카라s through a variety of programs.
Comprehensive Collaboration Agreement Signed with Obih스피드 바카라o University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Amidst rising concerns regarding the decline of the livestock industry in Japan, the 스피드 바카라 is promoting initiatives to support the sustainability of the industry.
In December 2017, Obih스피드 바카라o University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine and NH Foods Ltd., which both place particular importance on food and people and strive to contribute to society, executed a comprehensive collaboration agreement develop human resources who will serve as industry leaders in the future.
Faculty members and students from the University have conducted on-site research at Group farms and factories in the past, but as a result of the execution of the 스피드 바카라, more practical educational programs will be provided to students to fos husbandry engineers who can work in international

A practical class 스피드 바카라nducted at Nippon White Farm,
In 2018 and 2019,we provided a hands-on training program in which students can tour the farms and processing lines of each 스피드 바카라 company to observe the flow of operations. However, in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections, in 2020 and beyond, we hold special remote lectures instead
Academic-Industrial Collaboration Activities That Incorporates 스피드 바카라 Z Perspectives
스피드 바카라 Z comprises people who are currently between the age of 10 and 20 and this age group is generally highly conscious of the global environment and social issues, including the SDGs. We are working to develop products in a way that incorporates 스피드 바카라 Z perspectives by launching a collaborative product development project with universities and colleges.