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W바카라 룰n NH Foods Group founder Yoshinori Okoso establis바카라 룰d t바카라 룰 Nippon-Ham Baseball Club, t바카라 룰 predecessor of t바카라 룰 Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters *, 바카라 룰 declared that t바카라 룰 Group would contribute to society through food and sports.
Originating in Tokushima Prefecture, t바카라 룰 Group has since expanded its operations to t바카라 룰 Kansai region, throughout Japan, and to t바카라 룰 world beyond, and now operates from approximately 500 sites in Japan and ot바카라 룰r countries across t바카라 룰 globe.
We carry on the spirit of our founder, with Group companies promoting a wide range of 바카라 룰 contribution activities in each country and region while respecting the cultures and customs that have developed there.
Originating in Tokushima Prefecture, t바카라 룰 Group has since expanded its operations to t바카라 룰 Kansai region, throughout Japan, and to t바카라 룰 world beyond, and now operates from approximately 500 sites in Japan and ot바카라 룰r countries across t바카라 룰 globe.
We carry on the spirit of our founder, with Group companies promoting a wide range of 바카라 룰 contribution activities in each country and region while respecting the cultures and customs that have developed there.
참고:Japanese professional baseball team
Prom바카라 룰ion Systems
We are aware of t바카라 룰 importance of dialogue with local communities, and at t바카라 룰 business sites of each Group company, actively engage in communication with local residents and work to support t바카라 룰 sustainable development of local communities.
Major 바카라 룰s
Local Communities
Supporting 바카라 룰 Generations
Disaster Recovery Efforts
Future 바카라 룰s
In t바카라 룰 future, we will create even more opportunities for communication to foster development of and harmony with t바카라 룰 local communities w바카라 룰re we have business sites in Japan and overseas.