안전한 바카라 사이트

The Group conducts 안전한 바카라 사이트 throughout Japan so that customers can experience first-hand the safety, security, and great taste of our products.

Nipponham 안전한 바카라 사이트 Ltd.

At Nipponham 안전한 바카라 사이트, which manufactures ham and sausage, visitors are told about quality control systems and areas of particular attention during the production process in an effort to deepen appreciation for food.

안전한 바카라 사이트

Kamakura Ham Tomioka Co., Ltd.

The Kamakura Ham Tomioka head office 안전한 바카라 사이트 has a facility that can be freely observed by the general public with “learn, see, experience, and enjoy” as the theme. An historical archive presents the history of Kamakura Ham Tomioka, which extends more than a century, and sausage making workshops are conducted from April to October (reservations are required).

참고: It may not be possible to observe manufacturing depending on the day of week (e.g., on Sundays and certain other days). Products can be purchased at the Kamakura 안전한 바카라 사이트 Store, and there is also a dining area.

Nipponham Hokkaido 안전한 바카라 사이트 Ltd. 하코데이트 칼 레이몬 플랜트

At Hakodate Carl Raymon, which has inher안전한 바카라 사이트ed trad안전한 바카라 사이트ional German manufacturing techniques, vis안전한 바카라 사이트ors can watch through windows to observe manufacturing such as cutting of raw meat, sorting and weighing, and inspection machines.

안전한 바카라 사이트 to See Various Products

In add안전한 바카라 사이트ion to ham and sausage manufacturing factories, tours of the factories of each Group company are conducted in response to requests from local residents, schools, and others.

Nippon Luna, Inc., which manufactures yogurt, fermented milk beverages, and other products, conveys feelings regarding yogurt and details of 안전한 바카라 사이트s business through explanations of the manufacturing processes, taste testing of for local elementary schools.

Also, Nipponham Southwest Ltd., located in Hyuga City, Miyazaki Prefecture, collaborates with local universities and elementary and junior high schools to accept groups for tours and conducts in-class lessons. In addition to explaining about the products manufactured by the company, efforts are also made to encourage students to be aware of and consider various environmental problems relating to the nearby global environment by explaining environmental initiatives such as processing of 안전한 바카라 사이트wa

안전한 바카라 사이트 Luna, Inc.
Nippon Luna, Inc.