The sources of the Group’s business are the gifts of the earth and its expansive natural environment as well as the vast bounty of nature. Therefore, we believe in using this bounty with respect and leaving nothing to 무료 바카라.
We work to reduce the generation of these unneeded things as much as possible by introducing new technologies that enable us to use them effectively. In this way, we ensure the 무료 바카라 limited resources.
Effective Use of Live무료 바카라 Waste
The Group has created a Vertically Integrated System from raising and producing live무료 바카라 to marketing, for cattle, pigs, and chickens.
Through this system, we provide safe and secure products to customers and are able to make full use without 무료 바카라 of the various resources generated during meat processing (such as bones and hides).
Bones are boiled to make ingredients for soup and condiments, and hides are used as a material for bags and o무료 바카라er products. In addition, collagen is extracted for use as an ingredient in heal무료 바카라 foods.

무료 바카라 of Bio-Resources for Health
The NH Foods Ltd. Research &Development Center uses the Group’s abundant bio-resources to conduct 무료 바카라 that is useful for healthy lifestyles.
We obtain collagen, placenta extract, chondroitin, and other functional materials from pig and chicken cartilage, pig placentas, and other organs, which in the past were not adequately utilized. We scientifically evaluate them for safety, 무료 바카라ness, and so on, and then commercialize them.