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The Beginning

The NH Foods Group made a new beginning in 2021 toward realizing sustainability for society 무료 바카라 the Group.

The NH Foods Group has grown as a corporate entity 무료 바카라 exp무료 바카라ed its business domain into new fields 무료 바카라 has grown as a corporate entity by providing value that meets changing consumer preferences 무료 바카라 fulfilling its corporate mission

In the Group’s rapidly changing business environment, we have announced our Vision2030 corporate ideal of “Unleash new potentials for protein” as a milestone toward fulfilling our corporate philosophy. Toward realizing the vision, we have also identified Five Materialities that will be part of the Medium-Term Management Plans 2023 무료 바카라 2026.

무료 바카라

요시히데 하타President 무료 바카라 Representative Director

Q. How was the Vision2030 “Unleash new potentials for protein” decided upon 무료 바카라 what is its objective?

Our objective as the largest supplier of protein in Japan is to ensure a stable supply 무료 바카라 a variety of food choices for protein.

The growing global population is expected to increase dem무료 바카라 for protein by roughly 2.4% annually over the next 25 years. The production of grain for livestock feed, which is a major source of protein in human diets, is projected to increase at an annual rate between 0.9-1.5%, indicating that protein supply will not be able to keep up with dem무료 바카라.

The NH Foods Group supplies protein through products ranging from ham, sausages, 무료 바카라 fresh meats to processed foods, seafoods, 무료 바카라 dairy products. Protein is a nutrient that is essential for life.

As the largest supplier of protein in Japan, the Group wants to continue fulfilling our mission 무료 바카라 use free thinking to go beyond conventional boundaries 무료 바카라 exp무료 바카라 the possibilities of proteins.

The Group took a step in that direction in March 2020 when it released the NatuMeat Soy Meat Series to meet growing consumer dem무료 바카라 in recent years for plant-based “alternative meat” sources of protein. We are also looking to continue providing a variety of product choices for protein intake.

When we were creating the vision, management spent an extensive amount of time discussing all aspects. I even sent out my own questionnaire to employees to learn their thoughts.

Q. Please comment on the business performance in fiscal 2020 무료 바카라 the Medium-Term Management Plan 2020.

We executed our strategies 무료 바카라 achieved our targets for business profit margin, ROE, 무료 바카라 ROIC following our theme of “Building systems that pave the way to the future.”

In fiscal 2020, ended March 2021, which included the impact of the COVID-19 p무료 바카라emic, consolidated net sales declined 4.4% year on year to ¥1,176,101 million, business profit rose 1 before tax increased 80.8% to ¥48,874 million, 무료 바카라 profit attributable to owners of the parent increased 69.8% to ¥32,616 million.

The Processed Foods Business recorded a decline in sales of commercial products, but posted higher profits on strong sales of consumer products, including its mainstay SCHAU ESSEN br무료 바카라 products. The Fresh Meats Business posted sluggish sales of imported fresh meats, but higher sales of domestically produced chicken 무료 바카라 pork, measures to maintain supply volumes, 무료 바카라 improved productivity generated profit growth for the year.

We completed the Medium-Term Management Plan 2020 on a high note in fiscal 2020 in numerical terms. After falling short of the financial targets in the plan's first two years, we gained momentour profit 무료 바카라 achie , 무료 바카라

We steadily advanced the management strategies 무료 바카라 measures of the Medium-Term Management Plan 2020, which focused on the theme of “Building systems that pave the way to the future.” I was particularly pleased with the progress we made with our specific objective of strengthening profitability by improving the efficiency of existing businesses.

One major accomplishment during the year was the Research & Development Center obtaining a patent for the results of its joint research with universities 무료 바카라 medical research institutes. The research successfully extracted imidazole dipeptide from chicken tissue 무료 바카라 verified that the substance helps maintain 무료 바카라 improve memory in the elderly.

Our pursuit of sustainability included declaring our endorsement in June 2020 of the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) 무료 바카라 becoming a member of the TCFD Consortium. We also jo (RSPO).

At the same time, we recognized that the Group needs to step up its's ESG sustainability initiatives whici have been too slow to respond to the external environment, so we are once again prioritizing ESG as a .

Five Materialities

  • Stable procurement 무료 바카라 supply of proteins

  • Food diversity 무료 바카라 health

  • Contributing to a sustainable environment

  • Co-creation 무료 바카라 shared prosperity with local communities 무료 바카라 society as a whole through food 무료 바카라 sports

  • Employee development 무료 바카라 respect for diversity

Medium-Term Management Plan results 무료 바카라 future targets

Q. What are the main points of the new Medium-Term Management Plans for 2023 무료 바카라 2026.

We are integrating business strategy 무료 바카라 materiality to solve social issues 무료 바카라 maximize corporate value.

The Medium-Term Management Plans for 2023 무료 바카라 2026 will deliver the Group to our Vision2030. The primary objective of the plans is to maximize our corporate value by integrating our business strategies 무료 바카라 materiality, solving social issues, 무료 바카라 advancing the Group’s growth 무료 바카라 development.

We continue to see ample room for growth in Japan, but additional growth will require reforming 무료 바카라 strengthening our existing businesses 무료 바카라 increasing our presence overseas 무료 바카라 in new markets. I plan to maximize our strengths in these a

We will shift to a sustainable business model that will decrease risk 무료 바카라 increase opportunity while also enabling us to address issues ranging from climate change to labor shortages. We intend to work diligently to produce results during the six years of the medium-term management plans.

The financial targets for Medium-Term Management Plan 2023, which concludes with fiscal 2023 ending in March 2024, are for net sales of ¥1,220 billion 무료 바카라 business profit of ¥61 billion with a business profitrat io 8.0%, 무료 바카라

Q. What are the management objectives 무료 바카라 strategies of Medium-Term Management Plan 2023?

Under Medium-Term Management Plan 2023, we will establish an optimal portfolio while continuing our business growth 무료 바카라 development.

The management objectives in the Medium-Term Management Plan 2023 are to execute three business strategies 무료 바카라 one functional strategy. In addition to the plan’s strategies, management will also be implementing various cross-departmental

Under the plan's strategy to “shift to a profitable 무료 바카라 sustainable business model,” the Processed Foods Business will strengthen its current business areas 무료 바카라 exp무료 바카라 into new fields while also improving the productivity of its manufacturing plants. Additionally, the Fresh Meats Business will fortify its procurement 무료 바카라 sales capabilities to elevate its profit base.

By maximizing cash flow, raising our social value by acting on our materialities, 무료 바카라 lowering business risk to minimize WACC, we aim to widen the ROIC spread 무료 바카라 thereby raise our corporate value.

The plan's strategy to construct a growth model for Overseas Business consists of stabilizing the profits of existing businesses to fortify the business base, exp무료 바카라ing the Processed Foods Business in the United States 무료 바카라 ASEAN, 무료 바카라 applying growth strategies focused on areas .

The third strategy to offer new value through new products 무료 바카라 services will seek to reach new customer bases by creating new entertainment, ethical, 무료 바카라 wellness businesses 무료 바카라 developing direct-to-consumer (D2C) operations. The baseball operation, which has been operated primarily as a promotional activity, will be formed into the Baseball Club Business, which will be operated as a profit-generating operation.

The plan’s functional strategy is to strengthen our corporate functions to enable us to realize the Vision2030. We will fortify our R&D 무료 바카라 human resource management by integrating DX to improve the efficiency of existing operations, raise productivity, 무료 바카라 build a new business model.

Digitalization will enhance the efficiency 무료 바카라 productivity of existing operations, which will reduce operating costs 무료 바카라 enhance our data-based decision-making.

The new business model we are formulating will use our digital technologies to provide services for customers 무료 바카라 business partners. The new model will also facilitate R&D leading to new businesses, such as research into alternative proteins 무료 바카라 the commercialization of smart pig farming.

The cross-departmental promotion strategies include a cross-business strategy related to the management policies of shifting to a sustainable business model 무료 바카라 growing overseas business that will make maximum use of each business division’s manage strength.

The Hokkaido Project is a development project designed to increase corporate value centered on the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters baseball team 무료 바카라 Hokkaido Ballpark F Village. The corporate communication strategy aims to improve our relations employees, 무료 바카라 is part of the management strategy to strengthen corporate functions.

These strategies will require a rock-solid management base, which we will provide by maintaining our “quality-first management.” Key to this is continuing to receive the objective 무료 바카라 specialized opinions of our outside directors based on their various backgrounds.

Q. What is your perspective on the harsh criticism of the livestock industry?

I take the criticism very seriously 무료 바카라 am seeking to establish sustainable livestock farming methods.

We are very conscious of the environmental issues 무료 바카라 animal welfare issues associated with the livestock industry, 무료 바카라 I take them very seriously.

The NH Foods Group’s main businesses are raising 무료 바카라 processing pigs 무료 바카라 chicken in Japan 무료 바카라 cattle in Australia.

The livestock industry has been estimated to be responsible for 14.5% of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), with cattle accounting for most of the emissions. We are accordingly implementing measures to reduce emissions from our cattle livestock.

These are critical environmental issues for the Group. To reduce the associated risks, we have set new, stricter medium- 무료 바카라 long-term environmental targets in areas including reduction of GHG emissions 무료 바카라 assessment 무료 바카라.

In addition to environmental issues, the smart pig farming we are developing also addresses the social issues of the shortage of successors in the livestock industry 무료 바카라 the transfer of technology.

Smart farming is already being tested at two pig farms Shiretoko 무료 바카라 South Hokkaido, where the growth status of the pigs is monitored 24 hours a day, 무료 바카라 AI image analysis is used to monitor health status 무료 바카라 AI

Q. What message would you like to convey to stakeholders?

Steadily implementing our strategies will enable us to better fulfill
our mission as a food company.

With Vision2030 무료 바카라 Medium-Term Management Plan 2023, the Group is embarking on a new start with fully integrated business 무료 바카라 sustainability strategies that will lead to business growth 무료 바카라 the solutions to social issues.

We will continue working to our strength of providing a stable supply of protein 무료 바카라 safe 무료 바카라 secure foods backed by our quality-first management so consumers can have abundant choices of flavorful foods to experience they Joy make

The COVID-19 p무료 바카라emic caused dramatic changes in society in 2020.

As a food company, the Group has a social mission to provide a stable supply of safe 무료 바카라 secure products 무료 바카라 services, 무료 바카라 we recognize that we have the ability to maintain an uninterrupted supply chain that allows us to 1 have still not

I look forward to the unwavering support of our shareholders 무료 바카라 investors as we forge the future of the NH Foods Group.

요시히데 하타President 무료 바카라 Representative Director