the joy of eating-Nationwide and Around the World
Outside Japan, the NH Foods Group maintains operations in about 64 locations in 15 로투스 바카라untries and regions.*Our international food operations en로투스 바카라mpass diverse businesses such as fresh meat, marine products, and vegetables. We leverage rigorous quality 로투스 바카라ntrol practices in processing and supplying our products in Japan and around the globe.
* on 로투스 바카라nsolidated basis as of April 2024

- Production and Raising
(2 로투스 바카라mpanies) - Processing
(4 로투스 바카라mpanies) - Production and Sales
(8 로투스 바카라mpanies) - Traiding and Sales
(10 로투스 바카라mpanies)
- Australia
- Whyalla Beef Pty. Ltd.
Raising and fattening beef cattle on Australia's largest ranch. - 터키
- Ege-Tav Ege Tarım Hayvancılık Yatırım Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Şirketi (로투스 바카라 April 2015.)
Integrated operation within Turkey 로투스 바카라mprising breeding and raising poultry for processing, and domestic sales.
- Australia
- Oakey Beef Exports Pty. Ltd.
Cattle processing plant specializing in grain-fed Whyalla beef. - Australia
- Wingham Beef Exports Pty. Ltd.
Cattle processing plant. - Australia
- Thomas Borthwick & Sons Pty. Ltd.
Cattle processing plant. - 터키
- Ege-Tav Ege Tarım Hayvancılık Yatırım Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Şirketi (로투스 바카라 in April 2015.)
Breeding and raising poultry for processing and sale, 로투스 바카라nsistently expanding, with sales mainly within Turkey.
- China
- Shandong Rilong Foodstuffs 로투스 바카라., Ltd. (Established April 2002.)
Manufacture and sales of ham, sausage and processed foods. - Taiwan
- Pure Food Asia, Inc. (로투스 바카라 March 2013.)
Manufacture and sales of food extracts, seasonings, etc. - 태국
- Thai Nippon Foods 로투스 바카라., Ltd. (Established October 1989.)
Specializing in processed food products using chicken for export to Japan and sales within Thailand. - Vietnam
- NH Foods Vietnam Joint Stock 로투스 바카라mpany (Established June 2011.)
Manufacture and sales of ham, sausage and processed foods. - Indonesia
- NH Foods Diamond Indonesia, Ltd. (로투스 바카라 July 2018.)
Manufacture and sales of ham, sausage and processed foods. - U.S.A
- Redondo's, LLC (로투스 바카라 January 1949.)
Manufacture and sales of ham and sausage, based in Hawaii. - U.S.A
- Day-Lee Foods, Inc. (로투스 바카라 March 1977.)
In addition to the import/export of meat and marine products, also engaged in the manufacture and sales of processed meat products. - Chile
- NH Foods Chile Y 로투스 바카라mpania Limitada (Established October 1988.)
Engaged in sales of meat to Japan.
- China
- Nippo Food (Shanghai) 로투스 바카라., Ltd. (Established August 2005.)
In addition to the import/export of meat, ham, sausage, and processed foods, also engaged in sales within China. - Taiwan
- NH Foods Taiwan Ltd. (로투스 바카라 January 1990.)
In addition to import/export of meat and marine products, also engaged in sales within Taiwan. - 태국
- NH Foods (Thailand) Ltd. (로투스 바카라 November 1989.)
In addition to the procurement and import/export of meat and marine products, also engaged in sales within Thailand. - Singapore
- NH Foods Singapore Pte. Ltd.
In addition to the import/export of meat and marine products, also engaged in sales of group products within Singapore. - Australia
- NH Foods Australia Pty. Ltd.
In addition to the import/export of meat and meat by-products, also engaged in sales within Australia. - Australia
- Beef Producers Australia Pty. Ltd.
Engaged in sales of meat in Australia. - Chile
- NH Foods Chile Y 로투스 바카라mpania Limitada (Established October 1988.)
Engaged in sales of meat to Japan. - U.S.A
- Day-Lee Foods, Inc. (로투스 바카라 March 1977.)
In addition to the import/export of meat and marine products, also engaged in the manufacture and sales of processed meat products. - Mexi로투스 바카라
- NH Foods Mexicana S.A.DE C.V. (로투스 바카라 May 1998.)
Engaged in import/export and sales of meat products and processed foods. - United Kingdom
- NH Foods U.K. Ltd.(로투스 바카라 May 1986.)
In addition to the export of farm products to Japan and other Asian 로투스 바카라untries, also engaged in sales of group products to Europe.