S로투스 바카라holders

The NH Foods Group is only able to carry out its business activities with the support of all its s로투스 바카라holders, including our customers, local communities, business partners, shareholders and other investors, as well as our employees.

In order to fulfil the expectations and earn the trust of our s로투스 바카라holders, we intend to execute our responsibilities and duties to society with self-awareness and pride.

Communicating with Our Key S로투스 바카라holders

Key S로투스 바카라holders and Our Approach Communication Opportunities Value provided
Consumers We believe it is our responsibility to provide our customers with high quality offering for safety, reliability, satisfaction, and happiness.
We also aim to achieve customer satisfaction through a cycle of customer-oriented communications that comprises “listening,” “knowing,” and “using.”
  • Customer Support Desks
  • Consumer Delegate Committee
  • Customer Surveys (quantitative and qualitative)
  • 소셜 미디어
  • Plant tours
  • Various events and seminars
  • The joy of eating
  • Stable procurement and supply of proteins
  • Safe, high-quality products and services
  • Accurate information
  • Provision of products that contribute to health
로투스 바카라 partners Our procurement 로투스 바카라 are rooted in the NH Foods Group Sustainable Procurement Policy; we intend to establish relationships of trust with our business partners and work with them to realize co-existence and mutual prosperity.
  • Daily business 로투스 바카라
  • SAQ(Self-Assessment Questionna로투스 바카라e)
  • Strengthening partnerships that lead to sustainable growth for all concerned
  • Approaching 로투스 바카라 with fairness and transparency
  • Ensuring product quality and reliability of supply
  • Co-creating new added value
Governments We intend to comply with the laws and regulations of each of the countries and regions we operate in, actively exchange information with governments, and develop our 로투스 바카라.
If we realize that accidents have occurred, or if we think there is a risk that accidents might occur, we will report this to the relevant authorities and work hard to investigate and identify the causes.
  • Participation in various committees hosted by governments and industry 로투스 바카라s
  • Catering to laws and regulations
  • Dialogue with government officials
  • Compliance with laws and regulations
  • Conscientious payment of taxes
  • Contribution to industry development in partnership with various organizations
Shareholders and other 로투스 바카라 In order to establish relationships of trust with our shareholders and other 로투스 바카라, we place great importance on communication and try to ensure that we incorporate the opinions and requests we receive into our corporate activities.
  • 로투스 바카라’ meeting
  • Analyst Meeting for 로투스 바카라 Results
  • Dialogue with institutional 로투스 바카라
  • Dialogue with individual 로투스 바카라
  • 로투스 바카라 정보 웹사이트
  • 로투스 바카라 bulletins
  • Improvement of 로투스 바카라 value
  • Appropriate returns
  • Timely and accurate disclosure
  • Constructive dialogue with shareholders and 로투스 바카라
The 로투스 바카라 Our goal is to protect the life-giving natural 로투스 바카라 and to fully enable the bounty of nature to flourish; to this end, we intend to promote corporate activities that are in harmony with the 로투스 바카라, based on the NH Foods Group 로투스 바카라al Policies.
  • Promotion of 로투스 바카라al management
  • 로투스 바카라al conservation activities
  • 로투스 바카라al impact reduction activities
  • Visualization of 로투스 바카라al impact
  • Effective utilization of natural capital
  • Reduction of 로투스 바카라al impact
  • Solution of 로투스 바카라al problems
Employees We aim to establish a place where employees can feel truly happy and fulfilled.
In addition, we are engaged in 로투스 바카라 that seek to develop employee awareness and skills, realize a healthy work-life balance, promote diversity, and maintain healthy minds and bodies.
  • Human resources development
  • Company newsletters and Intranet
  • Internal reporting hotline
  • Employee engagement surveys
  • Dialogue between labor and 로투스 바카라
  • Provision of challenges and motivation
  • Provision of growth opportunities
  • Promotion of DE&I
Local communities As both a member of local communities and a good 로투스 바카라 citizen, the NH Foods Group aims to actively engage in communications that contribute to sustainable regional development. We also intend to consider both what we can do and what is expected of us, and exist in harmony with local communities.
  • Participation in and donations to community events
  • Participation in local volunteer 로투스 바카라
  • Factory tours
  • Nature conservation 로투스 바카라
  • Food education 로투스 바카라
  • Sports classes
  • Co-creation toward regional community revitalization
  • Harmonious coexistence with local communities
  • Protection of local 로투스 바카라s
  • Regional economic development
Societies worldwide We seek to accurately understand international rules, as well as the laws, histories, cultures, and customs of the various countries and regions we operate in, and we intend to work hard to comply with and respect them.
  • Contributions to SDGs
  • Cooperation with international organizations and industry 로투스 바카라s
  • Solution of industry issues through cooperation
  • Constructive dialogue and cooperation toward business activities based on respect for human rights and the 로투스 바카라

Major 로투스 바카라s

We are promoting CSR activities while recognizing the importance of dialogue with our s로투스 바카라holders.

Dialogue with Shareholders and Other 로투스 바카라

The Group holds briefings, private meetings, and facility tours for shareholders and other 로투스 바카라 so that they can better understand the Group’s business content and policies. In this way, the Group is working hard to communicate with and disclose information to its shareholders and other 로투스 바카라.

Fiscal 2023 로투스 바카라 and Results

Activity Frequency
Private meetings with institutional 로투스 바카라 283시간
Overseas 로투스 바카라(Online) 8 bases
Facility tours for institutional 로투스 바카라
참고: On-site facility tours starting in 2023
Analyst Meeting for Business Results for institutional 로투스 바카라 4시간
Medium-Term Management Plan Progress Briefing for institutional 로투스 바카라
Medium-Term 로투스 바카라 Plan 2023
Small meetings for institutional 로투스 바카라 7시간
NH Foods 로투스 바카라 Sustainability Conference
실시간 바카라 사이트 이벤트
Engagement Meetings 16시간
로투스 바카라 DAY
실시간 바카라 사이트 이벤트
Online Corporate briefings for individual 로투스 바카라 1시간
Online 로투스 바카라 briefings for individual shareholders 1시간