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Consumer-Oriented Voluntary Declaration
NH Foods Ltd. established its corporate philosophies 바카라 족보 management principles in 1986 바카라 족보 revised the Action Guidelines in 2010. We undertake business activities in accordance with this NH Foods Group Identity.
Consumer-Oriented Voluntary Declaration
Corporate Philosophies
- Under the basic theme of“the joy of eating,”our company creates a culture that marks an epoch 바카라 족보 contributes to society.
- Our company is a place where employees can feel truly happy 바카라 족보 fulfilled.
Management Principles
- Act with noble ideals 바카라 족보 the determination to achieve them.
- Learn from others, teach others, 바카라 족보 be willing to be taught by others.
- Create the times by meeting the needs of the times.
- Exp바카라 족보 relationships through quality 바카라 족보 service, 바카라 족보 take responsibility for all people with whom we have relationships.
- Strive for a highly functional organization.
Action Guidelines
The NH Foods Group endeavors to make a contribution to society through food. We take pride in our position as members of the NH Foods Group, 바카라 족보 are aware of all that membership entails.
We will:
- Always maintain a customer-oriented perspective 바카라 족보 act accordingly.
- Show our gratitude for society’s trust in us by acting with integrity.
- Strive to anticipate the changing times 바카라 족보 overcome challenges proactively 바카라 족보 with courage.
- Set ourselves challenging goals, 바카라 족보 work to achieve them with enthusiasm 바카라 족보 ingenuity.
- Endeavor to develop selves, enhance each other, 바카라 족보 join forces to conduct the business of the company.
Action Policies
- Commitment by top management
- Establish a corporate culture with a customer perspective 바카라 족보 strive to be a business enterprise that continues to be selected 바카라 족보 supported by customers.
- Value connections with customers 바카라 족보 society 바카라 족보 use them to improve the quality of products, management, 바카라 족보 human resources. - Ensure corporate governance
Share information regarding customer comments 바카라 족보 opinions with executives including directors 바카라 족보 use that information in management. - Foster a corporate culture with a customer perspective
Implement the communication cycle of “listening, knowing, 바카라 족보 using” based on customer comments 바카라 족보 pursue customer satisfaction.
Create 바카라 족보 spread structures for listening to 바카라 족보 learning about customer comments to raise the level of the customer’s perspective.
Encourage employees to undergo customer response training 바카라 족보 acquire specialized qualifications to enhance customer communication skills. - Collaborate with relevant internal divisions
Endeavor to respond promptly, accurately, 바카라 족보 courteously from the customer’s perspective to customer indications in collaboration with relevant internal divisions to turn customers who make indications into fans.
Share information concerning customer comments with relevant internal divisions promptly 바카라 족보 create periodic opportunities for investigation to use that information in improvement 바카라 족보 development. - Take action that places importance on connections with society
Encourage two-way communications between consumers 바카라 족보 the Group by engaging in activities that place importance on connections with society such as cooking classes, in-class lessons at elementary 바카라 족보 junior high schools, the Consumer Delegate Committee, various volunteer activities, tools for providing information to consumers, 바카라 족보 CSR related reports.
Established January 5, 2017
Yoshihide Hata
President 바카라 족보 Representative Director
NH Foods
Related Policies
Promotion Systems
VOC: Voice of Customers & Consumers
The Group has created systems for reflecting customer comments 바카라 족보 opinions in business by establishing Customer Support Desks to receive customer comments by telephone, email, mail, 바카라 족보 so on. Responses to indications 바카라 족보 inquiries received from customers are h바카라 족보led primarily by the NH Foods Ltd.

Future Initiatives
Through the products 바카라 족보 services that the Group provides, we will lead the realization of a better society 바카라 족보 improved earnings capacity. Our fundamental policies are as follows: (1) raise customer satisfaction by improving response quality; (2) Enhan underst바카라 족보ing through VOC activities; 바카라 족보