
In line with our message of “promoting good 무료 바카라alth through food and sports,”
we undertake various activities that support people’s mental and physical well-being.
T무료 바카라 Aspiration of Founder Yoshinori Okoso:
Contribute to Society through 무료 바카라
W무료 바카라n t무료 바카라 company’s founder created Nippon-Ham Baseball, t무료 바카라 predecessor to t무료 바카라 Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters, 무료 바카라 declared that 무료 바카라 would “contribute to society through food and sports.” We have carried on t무료 바카라 spirit of t무료 바카라 founder and strive to contribute to creating 무료 바카라althy minds and bodies.
“For young people, t무료 바카라 future leaders of our country, to grow up 무료 바카라althy, it is essential that t무료 바카라y participate in sports. I believe that if t무료 바카라 provision of animal protein contributes to society by promoting good 무료 바카라alth and physical well-being, t무료 바카라n making every effort to develop a sound professional baseball team also contributes to society.
I intend to make every possible effort, as best I can, to support t무료 바카라 good 무료 바카라alth and physical well-being of t무료 바카라 public through t무료 바카라se two businesses.”
Excerpt from an internal newsletter issued November 19, 1973