Basic Views
Through the Group’s Sustainability Promotion System, we formulate and disseminate information on 온라인 바카라al policies and strategies, and verify the status and outcomes of initiatives undertaken by each Group company.
In particular, those in charge of the 온라인 바카라 at each business unit participate in 온라인 바카라al measures, where decisions made by higher-level meetings are disseminated, and participants discuss the direction for and action on 온라인 바카라-reredingissu. Participants also make proposals and reports to higher-level meetings as appropriate.
온라인 바카라al Policy
The Group established NH Foods Group 온라인 바카라al Policy, every individual Group employee undertakes a variety of 온라인 바카라al conservation efforts in keeping with this policy.
NH Foods Group 온라인 바카라al Policy
The NH Foods Group (the “Group”) appreciates the blessings of nature and aims to harmonize our business development with a sustainable 온라인 바카라 throughout the supply chain. The Group therefore complies with 온라인 바카라al laws and regulations, recognizes the importance of the conservation of nature, and promotes 온라인 바카라al practices.
- Action on Climate ChangeThe 온라인 바카라 works to reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated by business activities, particularly from fossil fuels and livestock.
- Use of Sustainable ResourcesThe 온라인 바카라 prudently uses necessary raw materials and water, etc., reduces waste, and engages in resource recycling as part of our business activities.
- Conservation of Biodivers온라인 바카라yThe 온라인 바카라 promotes the conservation of biodiversity by taking into account the dependence and impact of our business activities on natural capital.
- Co-creation w온라인 바카라h StakeholdersIn addition to the Group’s own efforts, we cooperate with the industry, government, academia, and local communities to solve 온라인 바카라al issues.
- Appropriate DisclosureThe Group works to disclose 온라인 바카라al information with a high degree of transparency and credibility.
Established in April 2011
Revised on September 13, 2024
참고: This policy was established with the approval of the NH Foods Ltd. Board of D온라인 바카라ectors.
온라인 바카라al Declaration
In April 1998, the President and Representative Director of NH Foods Ltd. at the time issued a declaration to Group employees that measures to address 온라인 바카라al problems would be included among management issues.
The belief that “addressing these 온라인 바카라al problems is our responsibility and our mission as a business enterprise,” as expressed in this Declaration, remains a part of us today, and has emerged as the foundation for our
온라인 바카라al Declaration
Looking to the 21st century, 온라인 바카라al problems are among the most important issues that we face.
Today, we live in a prosperous society where we are able to fully enjoy the gifts of nature created by the global 온라인 바카라 and the benefits of civilization.
In order to support this prosperity, however, we use, consume, and discard massive amounts of resources and energy. As a result, global 온라인 바카라al problems that threaten the foundations of human existence including global warming, acid rain, and destruction of the ozone layer have occurred.
It is necessary that we take the global 온라인 바카라 into consideration in our ordinary business activities and day-to-day lives. It is essential that we preserve the beauty of the earth for the benefit of our children.
Based on the concept of producing food that creates happiness, the 온라인 바카라 has contributed to making connections with people around the world and to creating healthy and happy lives for all people.
NH Foods
Promotion Systems
The Group strive to reduce adverse 온라인 바카라al impact and comply with laws and regulations in accordance with the 온라인 바카라al Policies of the NH Foods Group.
Sustainability Committee carries out activities such as formulating sustainability policies and strategies, and checking the progress being made by each Group company. Those contents are summarized and submitted to the Board of D온라인 바카라ectors, whichis is a 시스템
Sustainabil온라인 바카라y Promotion Framework