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At the 21st United Nations 바카라 규칙 Conference (COP 21), the Paris Agreement was adopted and a target was set to limit the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, and 1.5°C if possible.
Having recognized that 바카라 규칙 is an urgent issue for everyday life and our business activities, the NH Foods Group aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
Specifically, we are utilizing renewable energy, thoroughly conserving energy, and driving other efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
바카라 규칙
In regard to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we have established the following 바카라 규칙 for materiality and medium- to long-term environmental goals.
- Reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuels (Scope 1 and Scope 2)
- Japan: -46% compared to 2013 (2030)
- Japan: -29% compared to 2013 (2026)
- Japan: -15.9% compared to 2013 (2023)
- Overseas: -24% compared to 2021 (2030)
- Overseas: -17% compared to 2021 (2026)
- Promote research and technological development intended to constrain and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from livestock
바카라 규칙s
Please refer to 바카라 규칙s on the environmental management page.
Policies, policy formulation, and initiatives related to 바카라 규칙 are discussed by the Sustainability Committee, deliberated on by management committees, and referred to the Board of Directors, which is the decision-making body.
About 바카라 규칙
In 2018, we joined the Japan 바카라 규칙 Initiative*1 and in June 2020, we endorsed the proposal presented by the Task Force on 바카라 규칙-related Financial Disclosures*2 (바카라 규칙) and became a member of 바카라 규칙 Consortium*3.
From fiscal 2021, we established the TCFD Task Council to evaluate the risks and opportunities accompanying 바카라 규칙 and do a scenario analysis. Measures for responding to risks and opportunities are being considered, and we have since May 2022.
- Note1:Japan 바카라 규칙 initiative: A network that aims to strengthen the distribution and exchange of information among companies, local governments, NGOs, and others in Japan in order to achieve a low-carbon society. Korea , and the Renewable
- Note2:Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures: A task force established in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), an international organization in which central banks and financial regulators from major countries participate. In June 2017, the final report released recommendations on voluntary disclosure with the aim of encouraging companies and other organizations to identify and disclose the financial impacts of 바카라 규칙 risks and opportunities.
- Note3:바카라 규칙 Consortium: The consortium was established to discuss measures by companies and financial institutions that endorse the 바카라 규칙 to effectively disclose information and use disclosed information to make appropriate investment decisions by financial